Month: May 2020

A Social Security bridge payment can significantly boost your lifetime retirement income. Getty Older workers who are approaching retirement face a series of complex decisions that come with high stakes. One particularly critical decision is when to start your Social Security benefits. It’s worth your time to develop a strategy for optimizing your Social Security
Colored pencil and acrylic illustration of Government Spending blowing the roof off a capital … [+] building. Check out my “Social Issues” light box for more. Getty The government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a massive increase in public debt. Reducing this debt will present many challenges, including a greater tax burden
Invesco’s Kristina Hooper warns the coronavirus is not the biggest threat to the market. She sees flaring U.S.-China trade tensions potentially doing the most harm to stocks. “The pandemic has largely been isolated and neutralized because of all the monetary policy support that the Fed has provided,” she told CNBC’s “Trading Nation” on Friday. “That
Aaron “Alpha.M” Marino says the Covid-19 pandemic has hit Youtube sponsorship deals hard, but “You need to be flexible enough to change and adapt in this situation. You are fighting for your business’s life and your employees as well.” Aaron “Alpha.M” Marino Aaron “Alpha.M”  Marino is no stranger to adversity, and like many other small