
The Future Of The Senate Filibuster And What’s At Stake

Despite the narrowest of margins in both houses of Congress, Democrats want to enact a sweeping, radical agenda that would remake the country. That’s why they want to abolish the filibuster. Instead of having to attract 60 votes to pass a measure in the Senate, Democrats would only need 51.

Properly employed, the filibuster insures a consensus must be achieved before major changes are enacted.

The scope of what the far-left wants to ram through is breathtaking, including trillions more in spending, huge tax increases, granting voting rights to people who entered the country illegally, automatic voter registration of people on various data bases—without determining who is here legally, quick statehood for the District of Colombia and Puerto Rico, nationwide childcare, free community college, universal pre-kindergarten, hundreds of billions of dollars for energy alternatives, abolishing laws in 27 states that allow workers not to be forced into joining a union for certain jobs, and much more.

Such changes deserve deliberation, not a rush to passage.

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