
2.8 Million New York City Residents To Get Retirement Coverage

Looming over the nation’s workers and their families is the dread of being busted in retirement. The pandemic calamity of 2020 has hastened old-age poverty dread because those without work place retirement coverage lost one more year of savings, were left out of the stock market boom, and are one more step towards leaving or being pushed out of the labor market.  

States have moved while the federal government stands still. And now cities are moving to helping workers save for retirement. Mega-city New York City is the second city (after more modest – sized Seattle) to help its private sector workers save for retirement. 

At the end of April, the New York City Council took a bold step and approved a city-sponsored retirement plan for private-sector employees who do not have retirement coverage at work, creating the city’s first ‘auto-IRA’ (individual retirement account). SCEPA’s Retirement Equity Lab, which testified in support of the policy, estimated the New York auto IRA plan will provide coverage to 2.8 million city workers that today have none. 

Mayor de Blasio signed the bill last week implementing the city’s auto-IRA program.

The NYC Auto IRA Bill Is Well- Designed

Employers with more than five employees will have to automatically deduct a percentage of their workers’ pay and forward it to city-facilitated, not-for-profit IRAs. (Employers with less than five employees, self employed, and gig workers need to voluntarily join.) Auto IRA account’s are individually-owned and professionally managed, and administered by an independent board headed by city-appointed trustees. While employers are required to participate, employees would have the right to change their contribution rates or opt-out of the program. The plan is also portable; participants can maintain their accounts when they change jobs. 

The Retirement Crisis in New York City 

At The New School’s ReLab, we have been keeping statistics on how many New York workers don’t have workplace retirement plans. It is shocking that just 35 percent do. The retirement plan coverage rate has been falling to the point that we are at the lowest rate recorded for the city since the U.S. Census Bureau began tracking coverage in 1980. And the lack of coverage is worse for non-whites. Only 33 percent of Black workers, 27 percent of Asian, and 26 percent of Hispanic workers in New York City are covered. Not even the top income groups have 100% coverage, and just 25 percent of workers in the bottom half of the income distribution have a retirement plan.  

Without action, by 2026, as many as 825,000 middle class workers in New York State (half of which live in the city) nearing retirement today could be at risk of poverty when they retire. 

City and State Efforts Fall Short of Federal Reform

Counting New York City’s new bill, there are now 15 enacted retirement savings programs (13 states and 2 cities) for private sector workers. The rapid-fire pace of reform efforts at the state and local level is a reflection of both the need for retirement coverage and the political will to act.  Federal action is needed, but in the meantime New York City’s auto IRA plan (along with state and local efforts across the country) help workers save now.  

New York State’s response to New York City’s bill. Both have now enacted auto-IRA plans for private sector workers, but the city’s version  is stronger than the state’s, requiring employers to participate rather than making it voluntary.  The state’s model is basically the system we have now, and it doesn’t work. (For a full discussion of the various models and an analysis of the policies’ strengths and weaknesses, please see SCEPA’s report, “State Retirement Reform: Lifting Up Best Practices”) In response to the city’s passage, a bill has already passed in the state assembly to bolster its law to include required participation by employers. 

New York City’s stronger model is backed by evidence showing that states that mandate employer participation work best. Oregon’s auto-IRA has enrolled over 100,000 workers in just 2 years and saved $25 million. Only open since January of 2019, Illinois’ program has enrolled more than 24,000 workers, helping them save more than $5 million. 

The New York City Plan Helps Employers

Small business owners beg their employees to save. Lide Sementilli, general manager at Total Care Pharmacy in the Bronx, was quoted by CBS news saying, “I tell my employees all the time, I say, ‘Look, you should try to save your money.” Now Sementilli’s five employees will get some help when the Mayor signs the City Council legislation mandating IRAs for small businesses like Sementilli’s. Small businesses want to do the right thing by their workers, but they have a hard time doing so if they are the only ones. The city requires all employers to join and saves small businesses from the paperwork and uncertainty of commercial 401(k) brokers, challenges documented by the Pew Charitable Trust.

The New York City step is a step in the right direction until the Federal Government mandates all employers to provide a plan and the nation’s workforce and employers don’t have to wade through different state and city programs.

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