Many of our parents signed their estate plans decades ago. The documents may still be valid but if they are stale or outdated, you may spend significant money trying to use them down the road. Even worse, the documents may not properly put your parents’ wishes into action. Having an attorney review and update the estate plan may save you money in the long run, not to mention countless headaches. Here are five reasons why you should convince your parents to review their estate plan now.
Financial institutions do not like “stale” documents. A client recently told me he had trouble liquidating his mother’s bank account because her power of attorney was more than 20 years old. The bank wanted an affidavit from the attorney who prepared the document to attest that it was still valid. While the client was going back and forth with the bank, his mom died which meant that now her account had to be probated. This problem would have been solved if mom had signed a “fresh” power of attorney.
State laws change. Chances are there have been changes to your state’s laws since the documents were signed. These changes may benefit your parents’ estate plan. For instance, if your mother’s will leaves all of the contents of her house to numerous people, her estate could incur significant costs locating and notifying those people if the will needs to be probated. Many states now allow for a separate writing to dispose of these personal items such as furniture, jewelry and family heirlooms. This could result in significant savings in administering the estate.
Updated language in attorney forms. Your attorney has most likely modified his or her forms over the years to keep up with ongoing legal changes. While these changes may seem administrative to you, they can have significant impact. For instance, many attorneys changed their trust language stemming from the passage of recent retirement related legislation known as the Secure Act. If your parent has a retirement account that is payable to a trust, it is critical the trust language be modified to comply with this law. Not having these standard form updates could result in an increase in income taxes or in significant fees to rectify the situation.
Estate tax laws revisions. Estate tax laws change – a lot. If your parents’ plan has not been reviewed recently and they have a taxable estate, you need to review their documents to make sure the language is current. Most likely your parents’ assets have changed over the years since the plan was put in place. You want to be sure that the documents address how the estate taxes will be paid. Then be sure that your parents’ assets are titled so that there are enough funds in the estate or trust to pay the liability. If all the accounts pass by beneficiary designation, getting the beneficiaries to pay the tax bill may prove difficult.
Legalese can be hard to understand. Bill recently came to me with his father’s old will. His father had died having been predeceased by Bill’s sister, Sally. Bill was the only living child. Bill and his father had understood the language of the will to mean that Bill would inherit the entire estate. However, Sally left children behind when she died and the will stated that they took Sally’s share. Bill had to share the inheritance with his estranged nieces and nephews. Had Bill and his father reviewed the will with an attorney beforehand, this misunderstanding would have been cleared up and a new will could have been signed.
Unfortunately, these scenarios happen all too often. Take the time to get a proper review of your parents’ estate plan. It could save you significant assets and aggravation in the future.