Month: July 2021

Rolf Bruderer | Tetra images | Getty Images The greatest wealth transfer in history is underway, and taxes may take a bite from inheritances without proper estate planning, financial advisors say. It’s estimated that nearly 45 million U.S. households will transfer more than $68 trillion over the next 25 years, according to Cerulli Associates. Baby
As Americans recover from the widespread economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, some are already looking ahead and putting “financial defenses” in place to head off the next period of uncertainty. More than half, 58%, of Americans say they’re in “financial recovery mode,” according to Northwestern Mutual’s recent 2021 Planning & Progress Study. The annual survey,
For months, multiemployer pension plan sponsors, participants, and their advocates have been waiting to see how the PBGC (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation) would interpret the American Rescue Plan’s legislation providing bailout money to multiemployer pensions, the The Emergency Pension Plan Relief Act of 2021 (EPPRA), which, as regular readers will recall, left multiple issues very
Chris Doyle, President and CEO at Billd, 120-Day Terms on Material Purchases for Commercial Contractors. The real estate business is complex — there’s no question about it. Consider the tasks real estate developers oversee regularly, from researching and finding the right piece of land to purchase, to financing the deal, to working with contractors and builders
Men relax on the sidewalk in this rural Delta community on April 27, 2021 in Greenville, Mississippi. Spencer Platt | Getty Images Mississippi state health officials issued new guidance on Friday that calls for state residents over the age of 65 and immunocompromised residents, vaccinated or unvaccinated, to avoid any indoor mass gatherings for the
Americans are merely days away from the launch of the new Child Tax Credit on July 15, 2021. While the credit has been around since the Clinton Administration, the version from the Biden Administration is projected to have a significant impact on the country. From helping middle class families save for childcare and college to helping lower