
Don’t Miss The Election For The SALT Cap Workaround

Many states recently enacted “SALT cap workaround” legislation enabling pass-through entities (PTE) to deduct entity-level SALT payments as a business expense in place of non-deductible itemized deductions over the “SALT cap” of $10,000 per individual tax return. Currently, 20 states have enacted this legislation, and others are considering it.

The SALT cap workaround is not automatic in most states; the owner must file an election for PTE treatment by the deadline, which varies by state. The PTE election deadline for New York State is October 15, 2021. Connecticut’s pass-through entity (PTE) tax for the SALT cap workaround is mandatory, which is unique. In most states, the owner can make the election with a timely filed tax return, which is more convenient.

It’s also essential in most states to pay PTE estimated taxes. For a 2021 business expense deduction on the federal return, make the estimated tax payments before December 31, 2021.

See my updated blog posts on the SALT cap workaround below. As an excerpt, here are some of the updates for NYS and CA.

You can also search “SALT cap workaround” for your state. Several states published FAQs, and many CPA firms have blog updates about it. 

This alert applies to pass-through entities (PTE), including LLCs, taxed as partnerships or S-Corps. It’s doesn’t apply to sole proprietors. For traders, the PTE must be eligible for trader tax status (TTS).

New York State

NYS Tax Department: New guidance and election application for optional pass-through entity tax (NYS Tax Dept, August 25, 2021).

The New York State Tax Department has issued a technical memorandum and webpage to provide information on the new optional PTET.

New York State’s New Pass-Through Entity Tax – The CPA Journal (CPA Journal Aug. 2021)

“Election. To file and pay PTE tax, an eligible partnership or S corporation must make an irrevocable election by the first estimated payment due date, which is March 15 of the calendar year prior to the year in which the PTE tax return is required. The election is made annually and will be effective for the current taxable year. For the 2021 tax year only, an election must be made by October 15, 2021.”

NYS Tax Department: Deadline approaching to opt into pass-through entity tax (PTET) (NYS October 6, 2021).

“To opt-in: Log in to your S corporation’s or partnership’s Business Online Services account. (If the business doesn’t have an account, we recommend creating one by October 8 to avoid missing the election deadline.).”


SALT workaround elective pass-through entity tax (Spidell’s California Minute July 18, 2021)

Pass-through entity tax FAQs released by FTB (Spidell September 30, 2021)

“The FTB anticipates releasing the new pass-through entity tax voucher before December 2021. That voucher will provide instructions on how to make the elective tax payment going forward. Note that for federal purposes, the entities will only benefit from the reduction of net income on the 2021 K-1s if the payment is made before the end of the entity’s 2021 taxable year.”

Help with pass-through entity elective tax FAQs (FTB)

“A qualified entity must make the election on its original, timely filed return.” That means the 2021 PTE return due to be filed in 2022.

Other blog posts:

How to Deduct State and Local Taxes Above SALT Cap

Unlock State & Local Tax Deductions With A SALT Cap Workaround. See updates by state.

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