
Watch Out: Biden’s New Budget Is A Dangerous Bust!

This segment of What’s Ahead lays out how stunningly unrelated President Biden’s proposed budget is to the real needs of the U.S. economy and how reckless it is for our defense necessities in an ever more menacing world.

For example, the Navy says we would need 500 ships to counter China’s navy in a conflict. Yet Biden is cutting the number of our vessels.

We and our allies must have many more F-35 fighters, our most important military aircraft program. Inexplicably and irresponsibly, the White House wants to slash production.

And on and on it drearily goes.

A strong economy is crucial for a strong defense. Yet again Biden is pushing for massively expensive new programs that in the real world would mostly do far more harm than good. They also mean again opening the floodgates of new spending—and we know where that leads.

Simultaneously, Biden wants sky-high jumps in destructive taxes that experience shows will sap economic vitality.

The U.S. and the Free World desperately deserve better than this.

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