
Medicare Premiums Drop In 2023, But That’s Not The Full Story

Many Medicare beneficiaries will pay lower premiums for their coverage in 2023, but the headlines aren’t the full story.

There are two key parts of Medicare affected by the latest premium news.

Part B is the main part of original Medicare that covers doctor’s services and many other types of non-hospital care. (Part A covers hospital services, and most beneficiaries don’t pay a premium for Part A care.) Every beneficiary in Part B pays a premium, though lower-income beneficiaries can qualify for assistance.

The Part B premium took a 14.5% leap from 2021 to 2022 to $170.10. The increase was due to several factors, but $10 of this $22 increase was to establish a reserve to pay for possible coverage of the then-new Alzheimer’s drug, Adulhelm. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) subsequently decided to limit coverage for the drug, and the manufacturer reduced the price.

In 2023, the base Part B Medicare premium will decline to $164.90 in 2023, a $5.20 decline from 2022’s $170.10 monthly premium. Also, the annual Part B deductible will decline to $226 in 2023 from $233 in 2022, according to CMS.

By the way, you pay the Part B premium if you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan instead of original Medicare. You have to enroll in Part B and pay that premium to be in a Medicare Advantage plan (also known as Part C). You might also be an additional premium to the Medicare Advantage plan.

Many people don’t realize they’re paying Part B premiums or know the amount of the premiums, because when they signed up for Medicare they elected to have the premiums deducted from their Social Security benefits. They don’t see the premium payments unless they review the annual Form 1099 the Social Security Administration sends at the beginning of each year.

In addition, many Medicare beneficiaries will pay lower premiums for their Part D prescription drug policies. Part D policies are sold by private insurers, which set the terms and premiums of the policies. But CMS reviews and regulates Part D policies.

CMS estimated that the average Part D prescription drug premium for 2023 would be about 1.8% lower than in 2022. The average premium was estimate to fall to $31.50 from $32.08 in 2022.

That doesn’t mean the premium for every Part D policy will decline. Each policy is different; premiums are set by the insurers that issue the policies. Some premiums will rise, though the average is declining. Beneficiaries should review the statement of plan changes for 2023 that should have received in the mail in September. If you didn’t receive it, call the insurer or check its web site.

Also, review other changes in the policy. Some insurers reduce premiums or hold them steady by increasing copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.

Other insurers change the classification of some medications. For example, a medication that was in Tier 1 (the lowest-cost category) in 2022 might be in a higher tier in 2023. Other medications can be moved among the tiers or a medication that was covered in 2022 might not be covered in 2023.

Finally, CMS announced the income brackets and rates for the Medicare premium surtax for 2023, also known as IRMAA (income-related monthly adjustment amount), that is imposed on higher income beneficiaries. This is an addition to the base Part B premium. There also is an addition to Part D premiums for higher income beneficiaries.

The maximum total Part B premium in 2023 will be $560.50, imposed on modified adjusted gross incomes equal to or greater than $500,000 for individuals and $750,000 for married couples filing jointly. For Part D policies, the highest monthly addition to premiums is $76.40.

Note that the top income bracket for the Medicare surtax isn’t indexed for inflation, though the lower brackets are. The highest rate is paid by individuals with modified adjusted gross income of $500,000 or above and married couples with modified adjusted gross incomes above $750,000. Over time, more and more beneficiaries will be in the top bracket because of inflation.

You can from one Part D policy to another during the annual Open Enrollment or switch between original Medicare and Medicare Advantage.

Open Enrollment is from October 15 through December 7. Any changes you make during this period will take effect January 1, 2023.

Be sure to review changes in your Part D policy (or your Medicare Advantage plan prescription drug benefits) soon. If the changes will increase your out-of-pocket cost substantially or you aren’t happy with your policy, contact a local insurance agent and review alternatives in your local market.

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