
Isn’t Success About Having Enough? COPYRIGHT 2016 JONATHAN LOOK JR I am a 59-year-old American. I don’t own a home. I don’t own a car. The furniture that I sit upon and the bed that I sleep in is not my own. Most of the mementos that I accumulated over the years are gone. I have
Photo: Getty VUCA, like all good acronyms, was coined by the U.S. military, and stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Corporate real estate has largely been stuck in VUCA, forgoing forward-thinking trends in the age of accelerations for dated strategies that are largely linear, long-term and inflexible, making them particularly ill-prepared for the rapidly
As demonstrations erupted in major U.S. cities across the nation in response to the death of unarmed black man George Floyd, peaceful protests turned ugly as demonstrators set fires, looted stores and clashed with riot police. The destruction prompted Los Angeles to suspend coronavirus testing Saturday afternoon due to safety concerns. “We have been notified that
Economic Security Planning, Inc. Today’s column addresses questions about when benefit rate increases due to continued income are applied, spousal benefit early filing reductions, when disability benefits convert to retirement benefits, whether SSA’s estimates include COLAs and widow’s benefits before retirement benefits. Larry Kotlikoff is a Professor of Economics at Boston University and the founder
Detroit’s newly-revitalized Woodward Ave. A one-mile stretch of Woodward became the first … [+] concrete-paved road in the country in 1909. Getty What do the protests engulfing the country have to do with public pensions? More than you’d think. Here’s some reporting coming out of Detroit, via the Detroit Free Press. “Following a script seemingly
US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin shows US President Donald Trump a pre-paid debit card during a … [+] meeting with his cabinet on May 19, 2020 in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC. – The card will be issued by the Internal Revenue Service to distribute nearly 4 million dollars in
Clear pool fences are just one of the biggest design trends of the season. Aquaview Pool fencing As we transition into summer amidst a pandemic, spending time outdoors becomes more important. Although stay at home orders have been lifted in many states, there are still restrictions in some locations. Plenty of people remain cautious and
Like Apple‘s, Google‘s and Amazon‘s founders before him, in 2013 Chieh Huang launched bulk grocery and household goods e-commerce company Boxed out of a garage — his parents’ two-car garage in New Jersey, to be exact. In 2018, Huang sold a minority stake in Boxed to Japan’s Aeon Group, in a deal that valued the company at $600