
Portra | DigitalVision | Getty Images If you’re eager to slash your tax bill, two popular methods are claiming credits and deductions on your return. While both can reduce your balance, these write-offs have key differences, which ultimately affect your bottom line. Credits lessen your liability on a dollar-for-dollar basis, whereas deductions reduce income subject
Jeffrey Coolidge | Photodisc | Getty Images Tax season has kicked off, and the IRS has already warned filing mistakes may cause delays amid staffing shortages and a massive backlog. While electronic filing offers the best chance for faster refunds, other moves may invite IRS scrutiny, according to tax experts.  The IRS closed 452,515 individual audits
fizkes | iStock | Getty Images Getting married, having a baby, changing jobs and unemployment may affect your taxes, and it’s better to adjust withholdings early, financial experts say. The IRS expects a slice of every dollar you earn — taken from your paycheck, withheld from other income or sent quarterly. While overpaying may spark