
Pick up a publication, turn on the TV, and you’re likely to find something like this. “Inflation Reduction Act Continues to Lower Out-of-Pocket Prescription Drug Costs for Drugs with Price Increases Above Inflation” Or this. “FACT SHEET: Seniors Across the Country Are Saving Millions of Dollars in Health Care Costs Because of President Biden’s Prescription
Minnesota and Washington are the states that provide the best services and supports for frail older adults, younger people with disabilities, and their families, according to a new study by AARP. The worst performers: Alabama and West Virginia. AARP defines superior supports and services as those that are affordable and accessible, give families a choice
Unfortunately, it happens all the time—a client’s longtime spouse dies, a new suitor swoops in, and they quickly marry against the advice of family, friends, and advisors. What happens next can be a nightmare for the family, resulting in costly legal battles. Even worse, many people in this situation spend their final days without their
Can the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a Federal Government agency, protect unsophisticated consumers transacting in complex markets? It can but it doesn’t. I will illustrate with one of the most complicated financial instruments a consumer is likely to encounter: a HECM reverse mortgage. That HECM borrowers must be 62 or older, which is past
Living, buying property, doing business, and investing overseas come with challenges, including some you might not expect. Chief among the roadblocks you might not be prepared for is corruption. Transparency International produces an annual index. On it, Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., Japan, most of Europe, and Uruguay rank as among
The first big issue for a Medicare beneficiary is whether to enroll in original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan. The decision can be reviewed each year during the open enrollment period, which runs from October 15 through December 7. A major difference between original Medicare and Advantage plans is that most Advantage plan require