
We are accustomed to the utilization of equations in financial planning, and while most of those tend to be numerical, there are a growing number of formulas that apply to the utilization of our non-financial resources. These resources—such as our time, influence, energy, and relationships—can be as important as our money and can often be
A friend called me for advice after getting this message from her dermatologist’s office. “As recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation, we encourage all patients to schedule an annual skin exam. It has been more than one year since your last one. Please call to us today.” My friend wanted to know whether she should
We’re awash in knowledge in 2023, but do you think our general level of understanding is greater? Do you think we’re wiser? I’m not so sure, so when I was challenged to re-read through one of the great collections of ancient wisdom last month, the book of Proverbs, it was an easy Yes. Indeed, I
Higher interest rates are making annuities more popular than ever. But despite rising annuities sales, misunderstandings keep many people from taking advantage of annuities. Insurers have been dealing with waves of applications in 2023 as yields on multi-year guaranteed annuities (MYGAs) leapt to 3%, 4%, and then above 5%. Let’s look at the misunderstandings that
The latter part of your career — in your 40s, 50s and early 60s — is the prime time to position yourself for a successful retirement. While your “post-work” years may still seem a long way off, the time will pass quickly. For some, retirement may come sooner than expected as layoffs, illness or the
Why are there significant differences in U.S. life expectancies by state? Answers to this question can potentially be found by digging into the underlying influences on this basic measurement of well-being in a broad population. The life expectancies discussed in this post were published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in January 2023
For most computer literate elders, online shopping is a great convenience and is usually fine. Until something goes wrong, that is. With an aging parent who is a little confused, or who has memory problems, online purchases can become a trap. While most purchases go as planned, one can understand that sometimes the wrong thing
New government projections estimate significant increases in both overall and out-of-pocket costs for home care, nursing facilities, and continuing care communities (CCRCs) through this decade. The projected steep rise in costs will lead to tough decisions for both consumers and government. The latest annual projections, by analysts at the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Introduction Estate planning is primarily about the transmission of wealth. However, it should be about much more. Many people don’t want to delve into family skeletons or tackle emotionally charged issues. But the reality is that if you fail to plan, or fail to address tough issues, or ignore practical planning logic, you might be