
Let’s talk about the “4% rule,” originally from Bill Bengen’s seminal retirement distribution strategy research published in the Journal of Financial Planning in 1994.  In his research, Bengen found that historically at that time, you could have taken 4%, adjusted for inflation each year from an investment portfolio of a 50/50 mix of large cap U.S. stocks and government bonds, and it would not have run out of money in a 30
By Chris Farrell, Next Avenue The grassroots movement toward working longer looks like it’s at a moment of reckoning. The ranks of retirees 55 + have grown by 3.5 million over the past two years, according to the Pew Research Center, much higher than the pre-pandemic rate. This shift is one reason some employers are struggling to have
By Richard Eisenberg, Next Avenue Editor In her thought-provoking new book, “The End of Bias: A Beginning,” science and culture journalist Jessica Nordell probes the science and practice of overcoming unconscious bias. That’s what happens quickly when we encounter a person or a situation and our reaction conflicts with our professed values. We see it a lot with
Dave thought his mom had done everything right: invested her savings, done great estate planning and appointed him her only son, to take over when needed. And the time came for Dave to step in. Dave’s elderly mom, Agnes began to lose her memory. She had been living with a companion for years before that
Series I Savings Bonds (aka I bonds) have several features that can be particularly useful for middle-income pre-retirees and retirees building their retirement income portfolio. They offer high interest rates (currently yielding 7.12% per year), guarantees of principal and interest, and long-term liquidity (with a few caveats).   My last two posts described I bonds in
Colorado and New Mexico recently announced an innovative approach to managing their new state-facilitated retirement saving programs. Under a Memorandum of Cooperation, the Colorado Secure Savings Program and New Mexico Work and $ave will collaborate on program administration and financial services, marketing, data collection, and participant privacy. Such partnerships can provide a cost-effective way for