
Within days after the Supreme Court’s decision in Alston last June, the NCAA issued an “interim policy statement,” suspending rules that had restricted the compensation a student athlete might receive not only directly from her school, but also from third parties, for the commercial use of her “name, image, and likeness” (NIL). While the “interim”
A bipartisan group of Senators, including Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and Raphael Warnock (D-GA), are calling for a temporary change in tax breaks for charitable giving. S. 566, also called the Charitable Act, would allow taxpayers to claim a significant above-the-line deduction for charitable giving. Above-The-Line Deduction An “above-the-line” deduction, or adjustment to income, is
When the NCAA issued its “interim” policy statement in June 2021 suspending rules that had prevented college athletes from monetizing their rights of publicity – and despite the fact that the “interim” statement and more recent supplemental guidance both emphasized that “pay-for-play and improper recruitment” incentives were still prohibited – it was perhaps inevitable that
In the immediate aftermath of the NCAA pretty much throwing in the towel two years ago on trying to regulate the circumstances under which student athletes might be paid for use of their publicity rights — “name, image, and likeness” —, there was a flood of so-called “collective” activity in what might be called the
George Harrison’s 80th birthday was February 25 of this year, and in preparing for a live webinar with his first wife, Pattie Boyd, I have been struck by the following lessons that can be learned from his life and experience. I will be discussing these points and other aspects of personal and professional achievement and
Watching the explosion of activity in the name, image, and likeness “collective” space, one might easily forget that neither the 2015 decision of the 9th Circuit federal appeals court in O’Bannon nor the 2021 decision of the Supreme Court in Alston, affirming another decision of the 9th Circuit, had anything to do with third party
Tax Notes contributing editor Ryan Finley discusses the IRS’s major win in 3M and how it may affect other transfer pricing cases. This transcript has been edited for length and clarity. David D. Stewart: Welcome to the podcast. I’m David Stewart, editor in chief of Tax Notes Today International. This week: the very model of
Tax season is here, which can be a treacherous time for small business owners who have avoided proactive tax planning. If you find yourself with a higher-than-expected tax liability for 2022, opening and fully funding a SEP IRA may be a way to slash your 2022 taxes. To benefit from a SEP IRA, you should
Like it or not, we face a hard fiscal truth. Uncle Sam, like the rest of us, has a budget constraint. Economists call it the government’s intertemporal budget constraint (IBC). It’s as fundamental an equation in economics as the conservation of energy is in physics. It’s also called the No Ponzi-Scheme Condition. It rules out
The 2023 tax-return season is unlike others in recent memory for employees who have equity compensation, whether stock options, restricted stock units, employee stock purchase plans, and/or and company shares. The impact of the down and volatile markets of 2022 can complicate your tax return. Another increasingly common issue for tax reporting involves interstate employee