
Robert Goulder of Tax Notes and Jefferson VanderWolk of Squire Patton Boggs (US) discuss the problems with the OECD’s pillar 2 UTPR, formerly known as the undertaxed profits or undertaxed payments rule. This transcript has been edited for length and clarity. Robert Goulder: Welcome to the latest edition of In the Pages, I’m Bob Goulder,
In Japan, young people are drinking much less than previous generations. This should be a good thing, right? From a health perspective it is, but from a revenue perspective, not so much. It turns out that the teetotalism has caused a steep decline in the country’s liquor tax revenue, to the concern of Japan’s National
Today’s Social Security column addresses questions about whether child-in-care spousal benefits time out, taking retirement benefits before spousal benefits and what effects living and working outside the US might have on Social Security benefits. Larry Kotlikoff is a Professor of Economics at Boston University and the founder and president of Economic Security Planning, Inc. See
Last year, the US resident population increased by 0.4%, or 1,256,003, to 333,287,557, according to the Census Bureau’s population estimates. The growth was felt most acutely in the South, the fastest-growing and the largest-gaining region, with totals rising 1.1%. Some states—like South Carolina—are increasingly wary of what that means and are considering steps to address
Tax Notes legal reporter Nathan Richman talks with IRS Criminal Investigation Deputy Chief Guy Ficco about the upcoming Advance Collaboration Data Center and other CI initiatives. This transcript has been edited for length and clarity. David D. Stewart: Welcome to the podcast. I’m David Stewart, editor in chief of Tax Notes Today International. This week:
Tax preparers and advisers use the term ‘disclosure’ frequently. It can sometimes have a negative connotation. Without knowing exactly why, most people do not want to ‘‘disclose’’ unless they must. Discretion and privacy sound better. They may not even know what disclosure actually is. Disclosure sounds like it exposes you to extra audit risk, which
While I know you probably don’t volunteer to get a tax deduction, paying fewer taxes might free up some time to volunteer even more. If you itemize your tax deductions and volunteer, you may be entitled to some valuable deductions. Before taking a tax deduction for your expenses incurred while volunteering, here are a few
The IRS’s victory in 3M v. Commissioner could be the latest sign that an era defined by judicial disinterest in section 482’s commensurate with income standard is finally drawing to a close. The relevance of the commensurate with income standard — the contentious and widely misunderstood requirement set out in section 482’s second sentence since
A coalition of regulators recently issued warnings about the risks of some self-directed IRAs that many investors aren’t aware of. There are a couple types of self-directed IRAs. Most mutual fund companies and brokers say their IRAs are self-directed. By that, they mean that your IRA can buy any investment on their investment platforms, which
I’m starting to get this question more and more from do-it-yourself types hoping to save money. If computers can beat a world chess champion, they argue, why can’t they perform as good as or better than my local tax advisor? We’ll explore this issue in more detail below, but the short answer is no, artificial
Today’s Social Security column addresses questions about whether Social Security spousal benefits can only be paid for a limited time, eligibility for survivor’s benefits and how Social Security taxed wages are reported to Social Security. Larry Kotlikoff is a Professor of Economics at Boston University and the founder and president of Economic Security Planning, Inc.