Month: September 2021

Gary Szatkowski, who was a top federal forecaster in New Jersey during Hurricane Sandy, called out New York politicians for suggesting that forecasters were unable to predict the times and intensity of Ida‘s threats. “The politicians are wrong,” Szatkowski said during a Friday evening interview on CNBC’s “The News with Shepard Smith.”  ”There was a lot
Estate planning discussions often give the impression that every senior in America is married with two or more kids. That’s not true, of course, and those who do not fit the profile need estate planning guidance at least as much as the stereotypical couple does. Unmarried people should put a priority on developing the traditional estate
VALERIE MACON | AFP | Getty Images Social Security will be able to pay full benefits for just another 12 years, according to new estimates released this week. Experts, however. say that does not mean you should dramatically change your Social Security claiming strategy. Each year, the Social Security Administration releases an annual trustees report
Another week… more disturbing revelations about America’s severely underfunded state and local government pensions… another of a new breed of forensic investigations funded by concerned pensioners whose retirement security is at risk. This week, the Chicago Police Department Pension Board Accountability Group—comprised of retired and active Chicago police officers and their dependents— released the scathing
There are plenty of things in life that are complicated, but retirement planning shouldn’t be one of them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the calculations, data analysis, and other back-office activities are simple. My point is that the process isn’t as complicated as many advisors make it. Some financial professionals struggle to