
“I’m going to spend less this month.” We’ve all said these words at some point in our lives. But changing your bad money habits isn’t easy. Most of our impulsive spending happens when our brain is on autopilot. The solution is to implement both short-term and long-term strategies which upend our reactive spending routine.  From
Tech billionaire Mark Cuban has been an outspoken voice throughout the 2020 election process, from endorsing President-elect Joe Biden while criticizing President Donald Trump’s Covid-19 response to saying that certain aspects of “both sides scare me.” Despite making clear his preference of Biden over Trump before this month’s presidential election, Cuban now also says he
As vote counting continues in key battleground states like Georgia and Pennsylvania, where Vice President Joe Biden has taken the lead over President Donald Trump on Friday, Libertarian presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen says third party candidates don’t “take” votes from other parties. “I don’t consider it taking votes, because those votes belong to the American
Since Tuesday, MSNBC national political correspondent Steve Kornacki has been running on fumes, living off Diet Coke with little sleep. Late Thursday night, Kornacki tweeted, “Forget grabbing sleep, there’s still votes coming in in PA. I’m heading back to the studio.” Twitter users urging Kornacki to take a break and change his clothes (he’s know
At Whole Foods, every employee knows what everybody else is making. It’s a practice called “wage transparency.” The average pay of professional titles of employees is published on the Whole Foods website. Whole Foods CEO John Mackey thinks of wage transparency as a source of motivation for employees. “It gives people something to strive for,”