
Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, died in 2018 without a will. She was one more in a long line of celebrities that are very successful but that neglect how important estate planning can be. Her heirs had to endure public court battles, just one of the unfortunate aspects of a lack of binding documents
Robert Goulder and Roxanne Bland of Tax Notes discuss non-fungible tokens, their ownership rights, and how the IRS plans to tax them. This transcript has been edited for length and clarity. Robert Goulder: Hello everyone. I’m Bob Goulder, a contributing editor with Tax Notes. Welcome to the latest edition of In the Pages. Our featured
New York is pushing a major project to repair the antiquated Penn Station, using tax-subsidized private real estate development to finance public infrastructure repair. But a new report from my colleagues at the New School’s Schwartz Center shows not only a potential $3 billion gap in project financing, but also a lack of transparency which
Today’s Social Security column addresses questions about how early retirement benefits can affect later spousal benefits, whether both working and delaying can increase retirement benefits and survivor benefits after early retirement benefits. Larry Kotlikoff is a Professor of Economics at Boston University and the founder and president of Economic Security Planning, Inc. See more Ask
In Green, or Greed? A Fresh Perspective on the Valuation of Conservation Easements, by Alan Feld, Theodore Sims and Jacob Nielsen give us a fresh perspective on one of the IRS Dirty Dozen. That would be Abusive Syndicated Conservation Easement, which the IRS Dirty Dozen scam list describes like this: In syndicated conservation easements, promoters
Nicholas Mowbray of Baker & Hostetler LLP discusses the recently enacted Superfund excise taxes on chemicals and hazardous substances and some compliance concerns and uncertainty surrounding them. This transcript has been edited for length and clarity. David Stewart: Welcome to the podcast. I’m David Stewart, editor in chief of Tax Notes Today International. This week:
It may be every politician’s favorite fantasy—weaponizing the IRS. Last week the New York Times reported that two high-ranking former FBI officials who had been fired by then President Trump were both subjected to a rare type of IRS audit. Subsequent headlines from major media outlets implied that former FBI Director James Comey and former
Last year marked the centennial of the inclusion of tax incentives for employer-sponsored retirement plans in the code. For the 101st anniversary, passage of large retirement savings tax legislation that refines the system is looking increasingly likely. What provisions will make the final bill is still an open question, and there could be several changes
Whether you love him or hate him, UK’s dethroned Prime Minister was sure different. He will be pilloried for a while yet, probably much more pilloried than praised. But anyone who has faced off with America’s powerful IRS might admire him just a little bit. After all, despite being a Brit, he came up against
Today’s Social Security column addresses questions about when delayed retirement benefits are applied to benefit payments, when it may be best to take survivor benefits and when it’s possible to receive spousal benefits. Larry Kotlikoff is a Professor of Economics at Boston University and the founder and president of Economic Security Planning, Inc. See more
Americans don’t save enough, either individually or collectively. Yet by looking at the wrong data, many journalists and even top economists are claiming we’re saving too much and, consequently, working too little. This is hogwash. It’s time to talk turkey about U.S. saving and for journalists and professionals to either do their homework or hold
La Posada Tax Clinic Director Robert Wunderle discusses the importance of low-income taxpayer clinics to the tax system and how his clinic serves the Twin Falls, Idaho, community. This transcript has been edited for length and clarity. David D. Stewart: Welcome to the podcast. I’m David Stewart, editor in chief of Tax Notes Today International.